
News and updates

  • TU seminar

    18 Jan 2022

    Joint seminar with SmartPTLab@TU Delft - my former Critical MaaS team met my current team at Jagiellonian: Farnoud and Michal presented their hEART submissions and we explored joint collaboration links.
  • Our paper accepted to EJOR

    25 Nov 2021

    Our paper on game-theoretical ride-pooling and new formulations of Equilibria got accepted to European Journal of Operational Research (quite renowned in the OR field). With Oded Cats, Javier Alonso-Mora and Andres Fielbaum.
  • Farnoud joins the team

    17 Nov 2021

    We grow - Farnoud will join as a PhD student to dig deeper into learning and adaptation in MaaSSim. Welcome! ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹
  • GMUM seminar on city bike trajectories predictions

    05 Nov 2021

    On the weekly seminar of GMUM we kicked-off the project to predict trajectories with GNN and RL techniques. With Lukasz Brzozowski, Jacek Tabor, Przemek Spurek and Lukasz Kucinski we will try to predict city-bike trajectories in Krakow.
  • MSCA proposal submitted

    12 Oct 2021

    I submitted Marie Sklodowska Curie grant proposal. Quite exciting on the intersection of ML and transportation - fingers crossed.
  • Talk at MIMUW

    10 Oct 2021

    I am giving a talk at MIMUW Seminar on urban mobility, I will introduce mobility problems and how the ML/AI can be applied to solve them.
  • Michal joins the team

    30 Sep 2021

    ๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข๐Ÿ“ข New member of the team Michal Bujak joined us ๐Ÿค to research on topologies of ride-pooling networks. Welcome!