
News and updates

  • Good news during holidays

    29 Aug 2024

    Michal recently focuses on the optimisation of pricing in ride-pooling, specifically, he aims to capture the true heterogeneous nature of the population. We are proud to share that our first results in the topic have recently been published in Transportation! 🎉 The article ‘Ride-pooling service assessment with heterogeneous travellers in non-deterministic setting’ is available in open access. Good job, Michal! We encourage you to read 📖
  • Farnoud's visit at TU Delft

    31 Jul 2024

    Farnoud has completed his 3-months PhD visit at TU Delft! During his visit, he had the privilege of working directly with Professor Oded Cats and together they initiated a new research project. Huge thanks to Peyman Ashkrof, Ph.D. and Arjan de Ruijter for their assistance. Looking forward to work on the material that Farnoud created in Delft!
  • CEETRA's growth

    19 Jul 2024

    Last year at Jagiellonian University we set up the CEETRA (Central European Excellence in Transportation Research Association) initiative and good to see it’s growing. This year in Vienna we participated in two research sessions and discussed the future of the association. If you are scientist with ambitions to make impact on transportation research, and you are from CEE (by location, origin or heart 💛) reach us out!
  • Hands full

    12 Jul 2024

    Next week we present our ride-Pooling experiment at IATBR International Conference on Travel Behavior in Vienna - we will show the potential of pooling with our ExMAS approach on 1.5 million trips from 6 months in NYC. Later we join 2nd CEETRA meeting, where Michal Bujak will present his pricing algorithm for ride-pooling. See you in Vienna! ✈️🚇 Presentation
  • AAMAS Conference in Auckland

    09 May 2024

    Together with Farnoud Ghasemi we introduce the agent based model that captures highly non-linear and microscopic phenomena, the first out there to reproduce the actually observed platform growth patterns. We present it today at #AAMAS conference in Auckland. Full paper available here
  • Anastasia & Onur at ICLR2024

    07 May 2024

    Anastasia and Onur during their first conference since they joined COeXISTENCE team! At ICLR 2024 they both had an opportunity to update knowledge on the learning representations and hold discussions with not only academic staff and industrial researchers, but also other students. I am confident that the experience gained this year will bring benefits. Just look at these happy faces!