
News and updates

  • Lecture at Auditorium Maximum

    03 Apr 2024

    πŸ—ž Complex social systems simulations – human behavior modeling, lecture on Friday at Auditorium Maximum
    • I will be talking about how challenging is introducing the human factor into models and simulations considering humans have their unpredictability and free will what makes simulations more complex. The main question is how do we incorporate these aspects into modeling. Together with the audience I will go on a journey through various examples, from road traffic to pedestrian traffic simulations, presenting how human decisions can shape social phenomena. Finally, I will show how to use artificial intelligence in simulations where people compete for limited resources with intelligent machines πŸ€–.
    See you there! Presentation
  • Faculty Day

    13 Mar 2024

    Young blood at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science during the 16th edition of the Faculty Day! So many inspiring lectures, fruitful discussions and workshops including mine conducted together with ZoltΓ‘n Varga. Complex social systems simulation at the example of road traffic occured to be very vivid theme for all participants. Such brainstorming atmosphere urges us for further action. I am very proud I could be the part of this initiative. Let me take you there
  • Meeting with JU Rector

    28 Feb 2024

    Great honour to meet with the Jagiellonian University Representatives and my colleagues from other faculties, who also run ERC grants. I talked about the progress in my COeXISTENCE grant, future plans and challenges. Check out more here
  • Christmas Party

    12 Dec 2023

    Such a wonderful evening at #Krakow’s Kazimierz. Not only a Christmas Party, but also the first time when the complete team of #ERC #COeXISTENCE had a chance to meet and integrate with themselves as well as with β€˜older’ friends. πŸ‘ Ten brilliant minds, working now at Jagiellonian University to contribute towards future urban mobility. Great pride of you, wish all the best in the coming year!
  • Our results published in JoTG

    11 Dec 2023

    πŸ—ž When ride-pooling is attractive/efficient for all the parties involved (passengers, platforms/providers, city/environment/sustainability)? We examined half a year (1.5 million trip sample) from NYC, run 9 000 experiments with our π„π±πŒπ€π’ and report 6 KPIs to move beyond the well-known 𝐜𝐫𝐒𝐭𝐒𝐜𝐚π₯ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 and better understand ride-pooling potential. See our results in Journal of Transport Geography with Olha Shulika, MichaΕ‚ Bujak and Farnoud Ghasemi.
  • EWRL

    09 Oct 2023

    Great opportunity at EWRL workshop on Reinforcement Learning, great keynotes and posters in Brussels. I learnt and enjoyed!
  • CEETRA launched!

    28 Sep 2023

    πŸš€ Central Europe for Excellence in Transportation Research Association 𝐂𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐀 launched 🀝 - by 20+ CEE transportation researchers at the Jagiellonian University. The 𝐂𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐀’s ambition is to create a network of like-minded CEE researchers with an excellent research track record πŸ€”πŸ§ πŸ’‘
  • hEART2023 in Zurich

    05 Sep 2023

    πŸ›« On our way to hEART Conference at ETH. This year, our team will present in Zurich: πŸ’£ Farnoud Ghasemi will show how we extend #MaaSSim and simulate Dynamics of the Ride-Sourcing Market: A Coevolutionary Model of Competition between Two-Sided Mobility Platforms - session D6 on Thursday. πŸ’£ MichaΕ‚ Bujak will show how we extend #ExMAS to be able to: Assessing expected ride-pooling performance with non-deterministic, heterogeneous travellers’ behaviour - session E2 on Wednesday. πŸ’£ Arkadiusz Drabicki wraps up his PhD to show his results on Willingness to wait with real-time crowding information in urban public transport – before vs. after COVID-19 pandemic (with Oded Cats ) - session A2 on Wednesday.
  • ERC Academy

    28 Aug 2023

    Happy to help the future ERC Grantees with a workshop Akademia ERC. Many excellent future candidates, fingers crossed, I hope I have helped