
News and updates

  • Our study at TRB2021

    20 Jan 2021

    Oded presents our study with Uber at TRB2021 in Washington DC: Beyond the Dichotomy: How Uber Competes with as well as Complements Public Transport (submitted to JoTG).
  • OPUS grant

    20 Nov 2020

    I received funding from NCN Poland for 3 year personal grant for me and two PhD students to research Shared Mobility in the context of COVID more
  • Our algorithm published

    15 Jul 2020

    Our demand-driven ride-pooling algorithm cutting the combinatorial search-space of practical problems published in Part:B with Oded.
  • Our poster presented at TRB2020

    20 Jan 2020

    Yesterday Guido Cantelmo (TUM) presented our poster on big mobility data in Washington at #TRBAM. We collected data on millions of city bike trips from NYC and started thinking how to synthesize them. We came up with this idea of ‘vector of movement’ that aggregates mobility pattern into a single vector. With this we may now cluster big datasets into groups of similar patterns and provide more accurate mobility predictions (including weather).