
News and updates

  • MT-ITS Conference attendance

    16 Jun 2021

    Today the MT-ITS conference started - see our presentation with Oded Cats about MaaSSim. Great Conference, with the previous edition hosted in Krakow and chaired by me in 2019.
  • GMUM seminar

    20 May 2021

    🎤 I gave a seminar on Urban Mobility for Group of Machine Learning Research GMUM - slides.
  • Pre-print available at arXiv repository

    07 May 2021

    Can ride-pooling be fair? A game-theory approach for forming groups of co-travellers and splitting the costs now at arXiv with Andres Fielbaum, Oded Cats and Javier Alonso-Mora
  • Join our team

    29 Apr 2021

    We confirmed details of our job opening for PhD students at Jagiellonian University. See details on ‘open positions’ tab - deadline 8th June.
  • EMCL

    14 Apr 2021

    I got invited as a reviewer for ECML/PKDD 21 Conference with a nice submissions intersecting ML/AI and urban mobility.
  • Our paper in SR

    17 Mar 2021

    Our paper on Virus spreading in ride pooling network got accepted to Scientific Reports.
  • Talk at VU Amsterdam

    25 Feb 2021

    I am giving a talk at VU Spatial webinar on shared-rides, I will introduce our lates TR:B paper on ride-pooling algorithm ExMAS at Vrije University Amsterdam.
  • Malte Schroder visit

    28 Jan 2021

    Next Thu (4th Feb) we will host Malte Schroder (Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden (cfaed), TU Dresden) to discuss their highly intriguing paper in Nature Communications.
  • Arjan at TRB 2021

    24 Jan 2021

    Arjan presented our study with Oded Cats and Hans van Lint on the Evolution of Labour Supply in Ridesourcing at TRB meeting in Washington DC.