
News and updates

  • Kick off meeting SUM

    19 Jun 2023

    Great to kick-off the Horizon Europe SUM project. Unfortunately not in person in Lille, but hopefully soon as well. The consortium and objectives look great!
  • Our paper in SNAM

    19 May 2023

    New paper from the group. Michał Bujak and me introduce, formalize, analyse and utilise Network Structures of Ride Pooling problems - available OpenAccess in SNAM Journal
  • COeXISTENCE inauguration

    20 Apr 2023

    If you want to know more about my ERC Starting Grant funded by European Research Council this seminar is a great opportunity. I will introduce this challenging research problem and will invite you to join our newly forming team at GMUM - Group of Machine Learning Research Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie. See more details here
  • TRB 2023

    02 Jan 2023

    This week we present two posters on the TRB in Washington. Farnoud presents how to simulate market entry of Uber and Usman (or me on his behalf) presents what we found out about complexity of ride-pooling problems - see you at our sessions in DC!
  • Arek awarded!

    02 Dec 2022

    Congratulations Arkadiusz Drabicki for winning the Transport Research Arena Young Researchers Competition in the category Crossmodality! Arek was awarded for his work on Modelling the impacts of real-time crowding information in public transport in collaboration with prof. Oded Cats, Achille Fonzone, Andrzej Szarata and myself - good job Arek! 👏👏👏
  • Paper published!

    11 Nov 2022

    Good job Jaime! Our paper (with Oded Cats) on the relation between spatial structure of the demand patterns and the shareability is now published in Transportmetrica:A

    08 Nov 2022

    Long overdue, but I will present my work on hyper-pool in CASPT - believe it or not, but we submitted it before the pandemic (Feb 2020) and the conference comes only now, in Tel-Aviv. See slides and the pre-print
  • New collaboration

    09 Sep 2022

    We launched collaboration on Network-Science with the group of prof. Rob Kooij to exploit how networks shape the ride-pooling problems. Today I gave a seminar for his group in Delft.