journal papers and arXiv preprints in reversed chronological order
EnergiesSimulating a Macrosystem of Cargo Deliveries by Road Transport Based on Big Data Volumes: A Case Study of PolandEnergies 2022
Krajowy model ciężarowego transportu drogowego na podstawie wyników badań TD-ETransport Miejski i Regionalny 2022
Evolution of Labour Supply in Ridesourcing, TRBAM-21-01320In TRB 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2021
Beyond the Dichotomy: How Uber Competes with as well as and Complements Public Transport, TRBAM-21-01134In TRB 100th Annual Meeting, Washington DC 2021
Suppressing the effects of induced traffic in urban road systems: Impact assessment with macrosimulation tools-results from the city of Krakow (Poland)2020
Low-dimensional model for bike-sharing demand forecasting that explicitly accounts for weather dataIn Transportation research board 99th, 2019, Washinton DC 2020
Can real-time crowding information help mitigate bus bunching?2020
Method to decompose regional travel demand model -case study of Krakow regionLecture Notes in Networks and Systems 2019
Modelowanie skutków zjawiska wzbudzenia (tłumienia) ruchu w analizach efektywności miejskich inwestycji drogowych2019
Zjawisko bus bunching w transporcie zbiorowym i jego odwzorowanie symulacyjne2017
Paradoksy przepustowości miejskiej sieci drogowej i sposoby ich odwzorowania w modelu czterostadiowymTransport miejski i regionalny 2017
Real-time traffic forecasting with recent DTA methods2017
Simulating the effects of real-time crowding information in public transport networks2017
Modelling the public transport capacity constraints impact on passenger path choices in transit assignment modelsArchives of Transport 2017